2023 Queen Bee Order

Orders are Now Being Taken for 2023 Queens Three Rivers Beekeepers Board has reserved 120 Carniolan Marked Queen Bees for the Spring 2023 season.  Our supplier is Buzz's Bees (www.BuzzsBees.com),  These are coming from Northern California.  Queen [...]

Intermediate Beekeeping 2023 – Day 2

Webinar - by registration

Intermediate Beekeeping - Day 2 Bee-ing Prepared and the Action Steps to Take to Ensure Seasonal Success This Workshop is DAY 2 of the 3-DAY Intermediate Beekeeping Seminar that started on January 9th.   This session will feature [...]


Intermediate Beekeepers 2023 – Day 3

Webinar - by registration

Intermediate Beekeeping - Day 3 "Beekeeping Can Be Difficult But Data Based Decisions Can Improve Your Management Decisions" This Workshop is the FINAL DAY of the 3-DAY Intermediate Beekeeping Event that started on January 3rd.   This session [...]
