Terry Romanko & Tyler Westerfeld – Splitting Hives, Installing Nucs/Packages, and Resources Hives
February 17 @ 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Terry Romanko and Tyler Westerfeld are local beekeepers, members of Three Rivers Beekeepers and both are on the steering committee. They sell honey and are bee farmers (raise bees to sell as nucs/packages). Both are very successful beekeepers in their 5th winters. And both know the benefits of ratchet straps. All laughter aside, this will be a very practical demonstration and talk about a very important part of managing your colonies.
Terry and Tyler have presented an the Beginning Beekeeper Workshop and Tyler is one of the answer men at the pre-meeting Q&A.
You can attend in person or Zoom into the meeting. If you will be joining us by Zoom, register in advance for this webinar: