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Take Your Beekeeping to the Next Level!

This Intermediate Seminar Series will be broken into three, 90-minute Virtual Sessions.  Each session will include a wealth of information from seasoned professionals in North America who can help you refine your knowledge of beekeeping.  The Series begins on January 13th and will be followed by the first Monday in February and March of 2025, from 7:00-8:30 pm CST via Zoom.

COST:  $30.00 for access to all three sessions.


  • Based on previous years, we anticipate a large response to this series of events, so please register early – by December 31st – to help us prepare for Zoom Call distributions in ample time to avoid the need to rush last-minute emails.
  • If you register after the first session, you can still participate, but the fee remains the same to accommodate the administrative time we incur to get you added to the program.
  • If you have questions, please contact Christy Romanko directly at IT@threeriversbeekeepers.com


  • January 13th (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm CST) – Jim Masucci will be presenting “Increasing Honey Production”
  • February 3rd (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm CST) – Kamon Reynolds will be presenting “Splits/Swarm Control – Keeping Below a Maximum Number of Hives”
  • March 3rd (7:00 pm – 8:30 pm CST) – Bianca Braman will be presenting “Queen Rearing/Banking” 


Jim Masucci is the owner of JDM Bees and is a contributor to the American Bee Journal.

Kamon Reynolds is the founder of the North American Honey Bee Expo and the owner of Tennessee’s Bees.

Bianca Braman is the owner of Vermont Bees, LLC, a commercial beekeeping company.

READ THIS BEFORE REGISTERING:  There are 3 steps to registration.  You must complete all 3 steps.

  1. Reserve Your Seat with Three Rivers Beekeepers 
  2. After completing the following Registration you will be taken to PayPal for payment.  Complete your payment.
  3. After Your Payment is Complete you should return to our Website.  This page should acknowledge your registration and provide a link to register with Zoom to get access to the Meeting.  You must take this step in order to receive the link with the Zoom webinar codes.

Thank you! 


Privacy Disclaimer:  We understand the value of your personal information, so we feel it is important to identify that Three Rivers retains the information below for the administration of this event, but once you hit “Submit” you will temporarily leave this website and be transferred to PayPal to complete the purchase of your reservation and then returned to our website.  All credit card information is retained and handled through PayPal, which will also issue an email receipt of your purchase.

Intermediate Beekeeper Workshop 2025
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